Southern Coast Maritime

is an Independent Marine, Cargo & Bulk Oil Surveying Company which also provides Claims Consulting and Average Adjusting services. With our head office located in Hempstead, United Kingdom.

We are a dedicated team of professionals comprising of Master Mariners and personnel with extensive experience in carrying out inspections and surveys on behalf of Domestic & International clients including P&I Clubs, Marine & Cargo Underwriters, Ship Owners, Charterers, Cargo Consigners/Consignees, Freight Forwarders, Law Firms etc.

We believe that sustainable growth is possible by developing and nurturing a special relationship based on confidence and long term collaboration with our clients. Quality, prompt and factual reporting, competitive awareness, ethical business practices and outstanding service to our clients are the core values of our growing business.

We believe in United Kingdoms's potential to be a major maritime nation with her long coastline, growing global trade and our professional approach. Southern Coast Maritime is committed to making its mark on the UK's Maritime Industry.

Bunker Survey

Bunker Survey (BQS) is carried out during barge to ship bunkering operations. The purpose of the bunker survey is to assure that the ship is receiving the full quantity of fuel or diesel, according the nomination and the bunker delivery note (BDN).

It is a documented evidence of the actual received quantities of fuel oil and diesel oil and support possible shortage claims and disputes.

The service consist on sounding the bunker barge and the receiving vessel’s tanks before the start of bunkering operation. At the end of the bunkering operation, tanks on both ships are again sounded to check the difference of volumes and to determine the quantity of Fuel or Diesel delivered.

The report includes the statement of bunkers delivered, and the possible differences between sea going vessel, bunker barge and quantity stated in the BDN.

Complementary Services

Along with bunker survey, it is very usual to require to take bunker samples and send them to laboratory. It is carried out in order to asses and certify the quality of the bunkers. It supports any possible off-spec claim or dispute, besides that avoid any possible damage to machinery due to the use of low quality fuels.

We witness and assure that samples are correctly taken following standard proceedings. After the attendance, we send the samples to the appointed laboratory to be analyzed.

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Ship condition survey

Ship condition survey is one of our specialities. This type of service is necessary to asses the condition of a ship or vessel at the time of insurance, H&M or P&I entry, follow up condition, vetting, financial purposes, flag state inspections, etc.

We can attend any type of ship, tankers, bulk carriers, ferries, container ship, etc., to asses their condition and to check all the items requested by our clients.

P&I requirements are usually more focused on ship and company management and, especially, on those risks regarding their protection and indemnity coverage.

H&M requirements target risks related to maintenance condition and maintenance systems, both relating to hull and machinery.

Ship condition survey scope

Ship condition surveys are not limited to insurance companies. We offer our services to charterers at the beginning of the time charter, vetting surveys when required, flag inspections, banks for financial matters, etc.

All types of condition surveys include ballast tank inspections when possible, operational tests for deck and engine room machinery, and safety tests; firefighting (FFE) and life saving appliances (LSA).

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Container Stuffing and Stripping

Cargo container loading inspection has been developed for those clients that not only require reassurance during the container loading process, but also need confirmation that safety and quality requirements are met and that correct goods handling procedures are put in place and adhered to.

Quality and condition of your goods. Quality and condition of packaging Adherence to correct goods handling procedures Condition of the container your goods are being transported in, including safety and cleanliness Correct loading of your goods and also verify all documentation

Once these checks are completed the container will be sealed with Intertek seals as proof of compliance and an inspection report will be issued to you.

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Draft Survey

Perhaps the only established methodology to quantify solid bulk cargo on board vessels is a draught survey.

Although a draught survey is considered simple in principle, experienced surveyors will not hesitate to put forth that in practice, the process is rather complicated, involves numerous factors, and only with adequate knowledge and insight few of these can be established with a degree of accuracy.

Thereby, the application of technical knowledge of the attending surveyor, his experience as well as common practice of good seamanship normally associated with this activity cannot be overstated.

Surveyors from Southern Coast Maritime will always ensure a technically sound outcome, and in simple terms “an adjustment” is not considered a priority at all in obtaining survey results.

This in fact produces undesirable outcomes, loss of time, discrepancies in cargo quantities and a general atmosphere of distrust and confusion many times apparent only after a period of time.

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Port Captain/ Breakbulk

Pre-shipment Condition
Pre-discharge Condition
Loading/discharging Survey/tally Damage/short Landing Survey
Stowage Plan Preparation
Cargo Hold Inspection
Lashing & Securing Certification
On Board Stowage Supervision 
Inspection of Hatch Covers Cargo Land Transportation Cargo Damage Investigation
Short Landing Investigation

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Ship Vetting

Inspection is undertaken on a vessel to give owner/operators independent insight into the performance and efficiencies of both vessel and crew.

Minimizing environmental and commercial costs by identifying issues before they lead to major problems. Un-resolved works could lead to increased inspections by Port State Control authorities. The vessel may be blacklisted from terminals/ports if it doesn’t comply with local and global regulations.

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P&I Correspondance 

When something goes wrong on board a ship during a port call which could lead to a claim, such as cargo damage, crew injury/death, contact damage, collision or pollution, a speedy response is critical from an effective P&I correspondent. Time is of the essence to ensure the full investigation, documentation, and analysis of any claim to assess and minimize any financial exposure as a result of the incident.

Our Surveyors represented International Group P&I Clubs since 1973. Today, we are recognized as a leader in the field, providing 24/7 incident and claims handling and surveying services.

Our P&I team of experienced, dedicated claims handlers with considerable legal and technical expertise are on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week, all year round, to attend to incidents promptly and proactively. Their excellent relationships with local authorities, port officials, terminals and receivers are key in helping to expedite the handling of cases to reduce exposure and bring about the timely and equitable settlement of claims

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